Spotlight: Pamela Ditch

Apr 19, 2022

Tell us about yourself! -How long have you worked at Kitestring? -What is your position?
I have been with Kitestring for 5 months and am supporting Arkansas Blue Cross & Blue Shield as an Enterprise Technology Partner.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
I enjoy volunteering at Feed the 479 and the Compassion Center in Springdale, AR, reading, watching my kids in various sports activities, and doing a variety of crafts; i.e. sewing, scrapbooking

Tell us how you started down your career path. -Were you influenced by anyone?
I started down my career path by accident. It was the result of taking a required course during my undergraduate work, that I came across project management. Part of the course requirement was to conduct a project for a local business, where we had to determine a solution to a problem, provide recommendations, a business plan, etc. and the interest carried through to my first job and the rest is history.

What are some of your favorite things about living and working in Northwest Arkansas? My favorite things about NWA are the people, the wide variety of things to do, and just overall opportunities both professionally and personally.

Tell us about one of your proudest achievements while working at Kitestring.
One of my proudest achievements is being the first ever to outline an Enterprise Technology landscape for Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield. The information will enable the Enterprise Architects to understand what’s being used today; identify old technology, duplicate technology and have a baseline to clean up and enhance the technical architecture used to support ABCBS activities.

What are some future goals that you have? -Personal or Professional
My future goals are to get my kids through college and then move more into full-time mission work, first locally and then internationally.

What keeps you motivated?
Helping those less fortunate than me in whatever way I can.

If you could meet anyone (fictional, dead, or alive), who would it be?
Jesus Christ and Mother Teresa

What are three things you are grateful for?
I’m grateful for my health, my family, and my job.

If you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?
I would tell my younger self to stay true to my core beliefs and values and don’t let others influence my decisions.