Spotlight: Aser Ahmed

May 31, 2024

Q: Tell us about yourself!
A: I am a devoted husband and father of two amazing children. Besides being an Egyptian and proud Alexandrian, I’ve been a Kitestringer since March 2022. It’s my honor to contribute to developing Walmart’s software solutions, helping them support their millions of customers worldwide.

Q: What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
A: On a sunny day, I like taking walks to enjoy the sunshine. Additionally, I enjoy action movies and series. Occasionally, I browse my social media accounts, and when time permits, I hit the gym.

Q: What led you to this career? Were you influenced by anyone or anything?
A: In fifth grade, my father purchased an Atari computer with 64 KB of RAM, programmable using BASIC. This ignited my passion for coding, and I continued working on my problem-solving skills throughout my time in the Faculty of Engineering, setting myself apart from my peers.

Q: What are you most proud of accomplishing since joining Kitestring?
A: Professionally, I take immense pride in my contributions to enhancing various components and systems managed by my team. Additionally, I’ve been there for some of my closest friends and colleagues, helping them overcome professional challenges and/or personal struggles.
Personally, I’ve significantly enhanced my family’s quality of life—a priority I hold in high regard.

Q: What’s one thing – either industry-related or not – you learned in the last month?
A: It is very hard being a single parent, even temporarily!

Q: What keeps you motivated?
A: Witnessing the positive impact of my work on people’s lives is my greatest motivation. Additionally, I find continuous learning, overcoming challenges, and receiving recognition for my efforts highly motivating.

Q: Where is your favorite destination to travel to, and why?
A: Sharm El-Sheikh. It’s a beautiful city located on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, and one of its most popular tourist destinations. I love its beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant marine life.

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: A Psychiatrist (I know it’s a bit weird for a kid, but I had the feeling it could help a lot of people).

Q: What’s the best piece of professional advice you’ve ever received?
A: A few years ago, my manager said, “Being an ace isn’t about overshadowing those who are less skilled; it’s about standing out within a team of exceptional individuals. So, always aim to be part of an all-star team.”

Q: What, if anything, are you currently binge-watching? Or reading?
A: I recently finished all released episodes of “The Rookie”, “Blue Blood”, and I am working my way through “9-1-1”. I think the reader can easily find the connection between these three!

Q: What do you like most about working at Kitestring?
A: Kitestring provides a safe work environment and makes everyone feel they are a member of a big family. I always feel heard, seen, and there is always someone there for me!